Wednesday, October 16, 2013


So this post is going to be a little bit more personal, mostly because I like reading those types of blogs and not just the same old beauty posts. Don't get my wrong I love those too, but I feel like you can really connect when you find out personal things about them. 

I have a lot of dreams and sometimes that makes it hard to narrow things down and say that's exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life. But I do know one thing; I have worked with kids since I was young from babysitting, nannying, working at a camp, to my more recent job of  being an after school teacher for first grade. I know that being a teacher is something that I was meant to do. 

I however do have other passions such as blogging, the beauty industry, etc. I am a very independent worker, and love to be my own "boss" I know when I have drive for something I can take it to the next level to succeed. So who knows where life will take me; career wise!

I have the best boyfriend who I know supports me in everything that I do, and likewise for him. It makes me so happy knowing that one day I'll marry my best friend and we can enjoy all of life and the future adventures to come! Almost four years strong and I know with him by my side we can do anything! 

I feel like having people who will build you up and help you succeed in life is so important as well, don't hang around people that will drag you down with them. Don't listen to the negative and love your life!

So I really hope that I didn't bore anyone with this; but really build your dreams and have goals, because it's so important to find in life what you love and what you are passionate about! 

Pinterest quotes section just gets me! 


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