Thursday, January 23, 2014

Comfort Zone

Everyone has a bubble, a place where they feel safe and comfortable. Not too often is it ever comfortable to step outside of that bubble and do something that is scary and new, but could possibly, maybe have a good outcome. Possibly, maybe is not my style. I like security. I think those people are brave. The ones that will take chances when it comes, or take a new scary job even though they have a secure, cushy job. I am not like that. I like to stay inside my bubble with my security blanket of my family, fiancĂ©, and dogs. I don't like the thought of being turned down or failing at something that I took a risk for.

School is not a comfort zone for me, it's a lot of work mixed with an almost full time job. I get anxious, stressed, and very vulnerable. On the other hand I know that this will be an amazing outcome when I look back a few years from now, hopefully teaching and thinking of how happy I am that I took this risk and put myself out there.

When I had my set schedule I knew I needed to ask for a raise to help with our income because I am losing a day of work to dedicate to classes. I have never, in the time I have had jobs asked for a raise or anything from my bosses. I have been at my current job for well over six months, and I have taken on a ton of new responsibility so I knew I deserved it, but I was very scared. I knew that for Joe and I that I needed to do this for peace of mind while I attend school so we didn't have to stress. I asked and guess what, my boss agreed and gave it to me no hassle or anything. Talk about relief. I had worked myself up into almost a panic attack, almost not even going to ask. I put myself out there, and got what I needed.

Sometimes we have to realize how much more we can do with our lives, and not sit around for someone to hand it to us. We honestly may never be satisfied if we don't take it into our own hands.
I may get turned down and I may fail, but how will I know if I never try? Having faith and knowing that things will happen in their own time is peaceful. I have to remind myself of this everyday.

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