Friday, March 28, 2014

Five on Friday + A Giveaway

I am linking up this week for Five on Friday, and at the end there is a special giveaway!

1. If you didn't already know, I picked out my wedding gown! You can see how that all went down here. This is #1 on my list because this is so exciting for me!

2. Spring weather really nothing beats spring weather, except of course fall weather. But that's besides the point. I love random rain showers and being able to wear sandals all the time again. We wont have a spring for too long, summer will come and take over so I have to enjoy it while it lasts!

3. Dogs | I love being able to be in the backyard with my dog while having my mom and her dog over. They love playing out in the sun and we love sitting in the backyard chatting. I mean, look at how cute they are!

4. Anything and everything in the Kate Spade bridal collection. I want it all. Especially this "Mrs" necklace.

5. I have a very exciting giveaway for you all today, that Stephanie over at Meet With A Smile put together with some other really kind bloggers. All you have to do is enter in the Rafflecopter form below! Good luck :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the Bold Chevron Wristlet Clutch

  2. I love the Cupcake Polka Dot Half Apron! It is so cute!

  3. #1 is SUPER exciting.Can't wait to see it!!

  4. I like the Cranberry Mushroom Wristlet Clutch

  5. That red and blue sailboat wristlet is seriously the cutest!!!

  6. red and blue sailboat wristlet! thanks!

  7. I like the Cranberry Red Mushroom Pouch with Cranberry Red Zipper. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I love the very cherry key fob!
    Erika W.

  9. I love this!


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