Monday, May 5, 2014

I'm The Kind of Girl Who..

Happy Cinco De Mayo!
After seeing this floating around blog land for a few months now I decided I had to jump on a little late. 


..Hoards nail polish like nobody's business. Fun fact - I haven't not had my nails painted in at least over five years, and my nails actually hurt badly when I don't have nail polish on. I know that can't be normal. 

..Will never be late anywhere. I prefer to be at least 15 minutes early.

..Set's at least 3 different alarms even though I usually wake up five minutes before they go off anyway and have never, ever slept through an alarm. I guess I'm paranoid they will disappear in my sleep, who knows. 

..Secretly googles what is going to happen next on shows that Joe and I watch because I can't handle the suspense. It's awful when we watch a dramatic show live and I can't do that. 

..Could live off of water and unsweetened ice tea until the end of time. 

..Actually enjoys cleaning my house. 

..Will check Twitter and Instagram all day.

..Doesn't understand the hype of diet coke.

..Will buy my dog a million toys, even though he only has one that he actually plays with. 

..Can go to Target every day and still find something that I need to buy.

..Will buy anything that's scented or smells good - even my trash bags.

..Dreams of traveling all over one day.


  1. I love this! Yes to nail polish and target...everyday! Agreed!

  2. You're so cute. I also love your blog design!

  3. We're practically the same, except I am always late! This is why we need to live in the same state!

  4. I love a punctual person! I am the exact same way - 15 minutes early everywhere I go!

  5. I'm usually on time...I really do not like it at all when I'm late! You're lucky that you enjoy cleaning...I wish that I did!!

  6. nodding my head at so many of these! when watching game of thrones, i definitely googled what would happen next.

    1. Such a bad thing to do, but I just can't help it!

  7. love that picture AND IM A NAILPOLISH hoarder too!


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