Monday, August 4, 2014

Routine is boring.

Lately - Life has been pretty routine with work, wedding planning, and preparing for another semester of school. But on Friday my mom and I decided to take a day trip to the beach. If anyone needed a day of relaxation it is my mom. She is the hardest worker I know and even on her days off she is running around catering to everyone else. Since we don't usually get days off together, this was something that we had to do (pretty much for our sanity).

 Morro Bay is our favorite place and the last time I had went was my birthday. It's been a million degrees  ranging from about 105-109 degrees here lately and mixed with the worst humidity. I literally have an afro all. the. time. Going from that to 70 degree weather will make you never want to go back home. Huge hair at the beach is something I can deal with. 

Clam chowder and fish & chips were calling our name.

I think our little day trip was just what I needed to remember that life doesn't have to be so routine all the time. More trips are in the future. Of course not until after our wedding; we need to save every penny until then, because paying for a wedding is crazy expensive.


  1. A relaxing day at the beach seems like the perfect place to unwind after being so busy with life! P.S. I hate humidity! haha It always ruins my hair.

    1. It was perfect, I'm already ready to go back haha

  2. Sometimes spontaneous trips are the best kind. It sounds like you and your mom both deserved some R&R time!

    1. Yes it was much needed! I feel like during summer you just need to get yourself to the beach at least once!

  3. This sounds like a great way to break from routine! Fish and chips... yum!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  4. I'm a huge fish and chips fan! Looks like a great place for a vaca!


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