Monday, December 29, 2014

2015 Predictions: A Fortunate Link-Up.

I for one cannot believe that Christmas is over already. I hope you all got to spend time with your family and friends last week. We had a great Christmas with my family, ate mexican food, and played Cards Against Humanity which is hilarious.

Now that the holidays are over, it's time to reflect on the past year and look ahead to what is to come. This year has slipped away from me it feels like. I remember getting engaged last year and when we finally picked October as our wedding month, it seemed like it would take forever to actually get here. It didn't take forever, and most of the year was spent wedding planning. But, the wedding came and went and we were able to celebrate our first married Christmas together. It's so hard to say what will occur in the next year because nothing is set in stone, but it sure is fun to predict what we think or hope will happen. 

Juliette and Amber came up with a fun link-up to predict what we think is going to happen next year. I was in from the moment I read it because I like lists, and I like to plan/predict what will happen. Although things obviously don't always go as planned, so it will be interesting to see how many predictions came true the end of next year. 

I predict...

| that I will try to get myself out of my comfort zone next year. 

| that we will take full advantage of our yearly passes to Universal Studios. 

| I will continue to blog life adventures in 2015. 

| that Joe and I will make big life decisions. 

| (hope) that we will move into a new place that is bigger.

| I will finish my second year of school.

| we will take a trip to Vegas.

| we will have saved enough to take a honeymoon or have one in the works.

| I will work harder than ever at my fitness and health goals.

| that I will not be working every single weekend anymore, which would mean we could find and attend a church.

What are your predictions for the next year?


  1. big life changes...hmmm...babies?! I hope that I get to meet you in person in person in 2015!

    1. Haha you are hilarious. Ummm yes x10000 to meeting in 2015! We have to make that happen soon!!!

  2. Eee, I came by from the linkup and noticed your new (married) blog name and design. Love it!

  3. Vegas is SO much fun! That's where my husband and I got engaged!
    Beardy Heart Beauty

  4. Getting out of the comfort zone can be SUCH A CHALLENGE. But then it's SO FREAKING AWESOME to feel the rewards that it reaps in your life. Cannot wait to read about those adventures! :)

  5. I need to work on getting out of my comfort zone too but it isn't easy! Good luck!!

  6. Mexican Food and Cards Against Humanity are easily two of my favorite things!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR. Wishing you happiness in 2015... and hopefully your predictions come true :)


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