Monday, December 8, 2014

December Goals

I know that it may already be over a week into December, but I thought I would share my December goals since I do have quite a few things I want to accomplish before the new year. I can't say I succeeded much on my November goals, I don't think I gave myself enough time to actually do them. Pretty much why I decided not to recap them. 

So, here is what I hope to get done this month.

1| ACTUALLY get a new blog design. This is in the works as of today, and I couldn't be more excited. 

2| Do the newlywed chop. I am so sick of my long hair and I cannot wait for my appointment next week to get rib of this length and fix these roots. 

3| Ace this 16 page paper that I have put off until the last minute to do. It's due Sunday night and I am five pages deep. Only one more week of school before the much needed winter break. 

4| Get Christmas shopping done ASAP. I haven't started, and am having a really hard time picking things out this year. 

5| Order a 2015 planner. I need suggestions on your favorite planner to use for the new year. 

6| Start meal planning and prepping food. This is so hard, but I know if I have a plan I am more likely to stick to it. 

7| Get all of our wedding pictures organized and wedding posts drafted and scheduled. 

8| Find Joe a perfect five year of being together anniversary gift. He has no list or wants he can think of this year which makes it even harder. 

9| Keep up with posting 2-3 times a week. 

10| Make my New Years resolutions and long term goals. Gotta have goals. 


  1. These sound like great goals! Good luck on your paper :)

  2. I can't wait to see your new design!!

    And have I mentioned that I am DYING to see wedding pictures?!

  3. So excited about your new design! I know you had talked about a rebrand, is that going to happen at the same time?

    The newlywed chop is SO necessary.

  4. Love all these goals! & Getting a new design is so much fun! It is nice refreshing everything!!

  5. I love my PlumPaper (etsy) planner! It's totally personal, and they have family and school and life planners! Totally worth every penny!


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