Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Goals

I'm not lying when I say that it truly felt like March lasted too long. Maybe that's because I'm really looking forward to upcoming events in the later months. I know I need to be in the present and that's what this month is going to be about for me. I have quite a bit of things I need to accomplish and things to do this month.

1| Spend less money and save in general. This is pretty self explanatory and a constant goal of ours. 

2| Plan dinners weekly. This has been a struggle, lately I have not been motivated to cook or plan our meals which is something I really need to get back on track doing. It's healthier and it saves money. 

3| Stick to a daily devotional. I ordered Savor by Shauna Niequist from Amazon a few weeks ago and because it is temporarily out of stock, I wont receive it for about another week. When I do, one of my goals is to get up 30 minutes earlier each morning and dedicate time to reading this. 

4| Manage to not let school overwhelm me. I want to keep to a blogging schedule each week, so hopefully I can prioritize and do both! 

5| Continue the apartment/house hunt for something bigger. Lets hope this is a win by the end of the month. 

6| Start planning my sisters baby shower for next month. This is pretty exciting and I can't wait to go shopping for her gifts. If anyone is a momma or a future mom what are some things I should look into buying her for her baby girl?

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