Wednesday, August 12, 2015


| I have been binge watching Criminal Minds on Netflix and now I look at everyone on the street as if I need to analyze their behavior. And then I have scary nightmares.

| I cannot get enough of my baby niece. She's actually the cutest thing in the world. This video from Buzzfeed describes me exactly lately.

| I haven't gotten my hair in almost three months! Don't judge me though...I am debating finding a new hair dresser and possibly doing something new to my hair.

| I have five episodes of Pretty Little Liars on my DVR. Last night was the finale and I really need to catch up before everything is spoiled for me.

| I walked into Ulta last weekend....only to buy the one thing I really needed!

| I am one of those people that is beyond ready for fall. Sorry if it bothers you, but I can't take the triple digit heat anymore. Bring on the scarves and boots please.  Plus, I miss baking.

That's all I have for today!


  1. You need to catch up on PLL ASAP! Last weeks was my favorite, but last nights was annoying. Email me when you watch it!


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