Monday, August 3, 2015

The Good Things.

What a crazy few weeks it has been! I haven't had the time or energy to blog and for really good reason. Hint: a new baby! It's a new month, and one month closer to finally having fall weather. Hopefully we only have to endure a few more weeks of temperatures in the 100's fingers crossed. I missed blogging so one of my goals this month is to not completely neglect this little space.

What I've been up to lately...

| Spending lots of time with my new niece! She was born on July 30th! It was an entire week of waiting for this sweet thing to be born, but she finally came and it was all worth the wait. She is the most cuddly little baby which makes me want to go snuggle her all the time. Oh, and yes I had to get a picture of her in this bib.

| My new planner is getting me motivated to set goals this month and stick to them. I picked this one up from Target last week and I am loving it so far. I'll be filing it up with soon with my new school schedule that starts at the end of this month and oddly I'm ready to be busy and perusing my goals.

| I am a little bit addicted to subscription services. I just signed up for the Alexa Re' subscription bag to try out this month and I cannot wait for it to arrive. I am also loving my subscriptions to Beauty Box 5 and Ipsy! I probably have enough products to last a very long time but it's something I just can't give up.

| Taking time to go out with my husband and family. Any excuse to have margs / chips and salsa is a good time in my book. I'm hoping to get myself to the movies this week to see the new Vacation movie as well as Southpaw with Joe.

P.S - add me on Snapchat: vivianstonee it's been my favorite app this past month!

1 comment:

  1. Your niece is ADORABLE!! Oh man the baby fever ;) I am still undecided with the Day Designer. Choosing a new planner is so difficult.


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