Monday, February 15, 2016

101 in 1001 Update | February

Well, three months have officially passed since the start date of my 101 in 1001 list. Today, I am co-hosting the first update with Macy and I am so excited to read about everyone's progress! Although I haven't crossed off as many things as I hoped, doing this update has motivated me to pick goals for the upcoming months. Next time I will definitely have much more to cross off! Here is what I have accomplished so far.

Items I have crossed off my list so far:

27. Keep my niece overnight - This has actually happened twice so far, and Joe and I love having her over!

28.Keep the Black Friday tradition going every year (2015) - This was a major success for 2015!

37.Go on a fancy date (1) - This happened in December, and we had a lot of fun!

39.Have an annual Harry Potter marathon (2016) - This will of course be an every year thing, but we recently went through all of the movies after Christmas and into the new year (thanks mom for the box set)

56. Take a girls trip - A few weekends ago my sisters, mom, niece, and myself all took a day trip to L.A to visit my grandad and also to do some shopping. 

98. Redo my about me page - I recently updated it, but of course I am looking into new ways to design it more myself. 

Items in progress/upcoming:

6.Finish my degree - Always in progress, one of the main reasons I have not been able to cross more things off lately!

10.Organize all of my family/baby pictures into photo albums - I recently got some old pictures from my moms house, so I bought a photo album and am working on getting them all organized. 

15. Try 25 new to me recipes from Pinterest - This has been so much fun, I am loving trying out new recipes right now. 

23.Completely purge my closet and donate everything I am not wearing/will not wear - I have been in major spring cleaning mode, and my closet is the next thing on my list to tackle. 

49.Take at least two trips back to Las Vegas - Coming up in April

You can always read my original 101 in 1001 list here

P.S - Thank you Macy, for letting me co-host with you! Go check out her blog if you haven't before. She has amazing helpful blogging posts, beautiful wedding/honeymoon photos, and she started this link-up! Plus, she's SO nice. 
 We would love it if you would link up with us! Being able to read about everyone's journeys so far is so exciting. I can't wait to see where we all are in another three months. Go link up, and check out all of the newly updated lists!

to travel and beyond

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