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VivianBishopxo: January 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ten random facts about me

Since it is the new year, I decided it was time to do somewhat of an introduction post along with some random facts that you may not know about me. I recently realized that I've never actually done a post like this and I thought it would be fun. If you've never stopped by my blog before, please check out my about me page that I have recently updated and you can also learn more!

\ I was born in California, but moved to Los Angeles when I was 12. Then to Las Vegas when I was 13. We lived in Vegas until after I graduated high school until we moved back to my hometown in California where we still live today. Hopefully one day, we will move back!

\ I have to drink out of a straw (preferably a bendy one). Even drinking coffee. I blame it on my years of having braces and not wanting to stain my teeth.

\ My nails are always painted. And I mean always. Ever since I religiously started painting them around seven years ago, I just cant stop. My Essie collection is large and always growing.

\ I am still in college pursuing my degree. Moving back to California made me a "non-resident" for two years. Hence, why it has taken so long.

\ I am the oldest of my siblings, and the bossiest.

\ I've known my husband since we we're little kids, but we didn't start dating until the winter before we moved back to my hometown.

\ I could watch hours and hours of YouTube videos. I am obsessed with beauty and daily vloggers. While my husband watches basketball games, that's what you'll find me doing.

\ I keep a lot of water bottles on my bedside table. Every night before bed I grab another one, even though I have plenty already. Right now I count four. Not bad considering I just cleaned our room.

\ I don't understand the obsession with diet coke. I don't drink soda at all but if I did, it would be Dr. Pepper and it wouldn't be diet.

\ I am literally the only person in my family who doesn't need glasses. But...I had to have braces so I'll call it even.

There you have it, ten random facts about me! What's something people may not know about you?

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Monday, January 18, 2016

c u r r e n t l y

Hi guys! I am back today, with a little catch up post. I hope you are all enjoying your Monday, or at least feeling productive! Here's what has been going on lately around here. 

Drinking | hazelnut coffee from my "coffee bowl" as Joe likes to call it. It's really just a huge mug from Target, and I love it. 

Dreaming | about our Vegas vacation in April. It can't come soon enough. We have a lot of fun plans while we are there, so I cannot wait!

Making | this recipe in the crockpot for dinner tonight. I've heard it is really good to use for meal prepping, so that's what I'm doing. 

Feeling | excited and anxious for this new semester of school starting this week. 

Writing | in my journal that I received for Christmas, and using my planner like I should be to keep me organized! 

Planning | out blog posts, so I don't accidentally go a couple of weeks without blogging! Oops.

Excited for | my husbands basketball games. He coaches elementary basketball on top of his day job, and he just started up again last week. He is coaching third and fourth grade girls basketball which is something very new for him. His team did so well last year so I'm very excited to go watch the games every week. 

Watching | all of the Pretty Little Liars that I got behind on last year. I am finally all caught up and am ready for the new episode tomorrow night. I must say that I am still so confused on quite a bit of it, but I really enjoyed the season premiere. It was nice to see the girls play people my age and finally be out of high school. 

Loving | all of the time I've been getting with my baby niece. I swear it's like if I go a day without seeing her I miss her like crazy. Plus, she is so close to crawling that I am anticipating seeing it!

Putting off | my workout that I should be doing right now. I've been loving the Tone it Up workout videos online. I personally like working out at home or outside, so these have been amazing. 

That's all I have for today, I'm trying to plan out posts better so that way I am on track! 
What are you currently loving or doing lately?

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Purpose | My 2016 Word of the Year

Happy first Monday of 2016 everyone! I don't know about you, but today feels like a fresh start. Yesterday I was still in holiday mode, watching Making a Murderer on Netflix and eating Chipotle. But today, I feel ready to tackle this Monday and dive into my goals I've set for myself.

I started this post out as my new years resolutions but decided to change it up. I've written my 101 in 1001 list and honestly everything I want to accomplish is on that list. What I want to focus on is taking steps to bettering myself. That includes my health, my blog, marriage, finances, etc. I've seen many people talk about a word of the year, and after exploring more about what exactly that meant I kept thinking of the word purpose. I want to find purpose in the things I do this year. Remembering the purpose behind starting this blog and really digging deep to keep writing this year.

I often have a really hard time sticking to "resolutions" so I'm trying to find a way to keep me motivated. It's easy to say that I want to get healthy and workout, but really understanding the purpose behind it and its importance in my life I feel is going to help me.

How is the new year starting off for you? Are you setting goals or resolutions for yourself, or is there a word you are going to focus on this year? I'd love to hear your motivation!

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